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Subscription rates

  • Squirrels: £40/term
  • Beavers: £40/term
  • Cubs: £45/term
  • Scouts: £50/term
  • Explorers: £50/term

How & when to pay

  • Scouting subscriptions are due at the start of each of the three school terms.
  • We prefer to collect subscriptions via Online Scout Manager, but will also accept cash, cheque and bank transfer.
  • Some employers allow you to make charitable giving as a salary sacrifice, and you can pay your subs this way. Please contact us if you would like to use this option.

How you can help us

  • Please allow us to claim Gift Aid on your subscriptions as it will increase our income at no cost to you. You can submit or update a Gift Aid declaration in OSM:
  • Some employers also support charitable giving matching – doubling the funds we receive, all at a tax efficient advantage to you!

Where does your money go?


  • 1/3 of subs collected are returned to The Scout Association as capitation fees.
  • 1/3 of subs collected go towards hall rental or building maintenance.
  • 1/3 of subs collected are available for programme activities, consumables, operating costs, and subsidising camps and other events.

Hardship policy

  • We recognise that there are circumstances where some families may be unable to meet the financial commitments for Scouting. You can talk to any leader or our Treasurer in confidence about support. Learn more about our Hardship policy.